Budget Loan Organizer

Take care of all your recurring annual expenses. We’ll pay your bills directly, for any value, when they become due

This loan is designed to take care of your recurring annual expenses.  Once approved, your Credit Union will pay all your bills directly to the specific company/Utility corporation when the bill becomes due, such as motor vehicle insurance, water rates and tuition fees.  All your yearly bills can be paid for any value.

Maximum Loan Amount: --
Repayment Period:12 months
Service Charge:10%

This loan is designed to take care of your recurring annual expenses.  Once approved, your Credit Union will pay all your bills directly to the specific company/Utility corporation when the bill becomes due, such as motor vehicle insurance, water rates and tuition fees.  All your yearly bills can be paid for any value.

Maximum Loan Amount: --
Repayment Period:12 months
Service Charge:10%

CALL: 1-868-612-4728
