Vehicle Loan

For a competitive loan for either a new vehicle or used/roro, click below or give us a call.

Financing for new and used vehicles up to a maximum of $500,000.00. The loan is payable up to 8 consecutive years which is dependent on the age and value of the vehicle being purchased.

Maximum Loan Amount:$500,000.00
Repayment Period:Up to 96 months
Interest Rate:5%
Special Criteria:Down payment 5% (applicable to members with over 6 months membership)
Down payment 10% (applicable to members with less than 6 months membership)

Members also have the option to include the cost of Full Comprehensive Insurance coverage

Financing for new and used vehicles up to a maximum of $500,000.00. The loan is payable up to 8 consecutive years which is dependent on the age and value of the vehicle being purchased.

Maximum Loan Amount:$500,000.00
Repayment Period:Up to 96 months
Interest Rate:5%
Special Criteria:Down payment 5% (applicable to members with over 6 months membership)
Down payment 10% (applicable to members with less than 6 months membership)

Members also have the option to include the cost of Full Comprehensive Insurance for the first year.

CALL: 1-868-612-4728
